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Appointments available

Monday to Friday. 9am to 4.00pm


Home Visitng / Domiciliary Price

£30.00 per appointment

Covers all treatments on the left








A 'routine appointment' includes: Taking a brief medical history, foot health check and advice, nails trimmed and burred, corn removal, callus reduction and any additional treatments listed on the left or whichever of the above are required. Please allow 45 – 60 mins per session.

“My aim is to make your feet as pain free and as functional as possible!”


Call to book:

07723 708241


Foot care in the comfort of your own home!

I am a fully qualified Foot Health Practitioner offering a professional and friendly mobile foot care service to the residents of Weldon, Corby, Stanion, Oundle and surrounding villages.

A Foot Health Practitioner cares for most of the common conditions that can affect the foot. I can offer foot care advice to help you look after your feet.


Routine foot Care

Toe nail trimming

Corn removal

Callus (hard skin) reduction

Thick nail reduction

Ingrown toe nails

Fungal Infections

Diabetic foot care

Cracked heels


I offer regular routine appointments or just one off treatments.


For an appointment in the comfort of


    MOB: 07723 708 241                              EMAIL:


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your own home, work place or residential home please Click here to contact me.

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